PA-PPD QuickStudy Guide
This 1-page 11x17 study guide for the ARE 5.0 PA and PPD exams. This was originally going to be a study guide for just the Project Planning & Design, but the material overlap between these two exams is so substantial, this one sheet could help you pass both. This page guide is broken down into the exam subdivisions to help assist you in your exam preparation better. I recommend purchasing this if you still have to take both the Programming and Analysis Exam, and the Project Planning and Design exam, or just the Project Planning and Design exam. If Programming and Analysis is your final exam this study guide may not be as helpful to you.
The concept behind this study guide is to try and mash as much information as possible onto a single sheet of paper so if you find yourself waiting for dinner to cook, laundry to finish, if there is a commercial on TV during your favorite show, or if you are in a pinch for time you can pick this up and keep studying. I recommend printing multiple copies off and leaving them around the house, and also getting them laminated to keep them protected.
The price of this is 12$ - the price of lunch essentially - and is fully refundable if you do not believe that it helped in your exam preparation.